Monday, February 2, 2009


Want to know how much hair you're losing?

Start counting -- the hairs on your comb, not on your head.

Dermatologist demonstrated that a so-called "60-second hair count" is a simple and reliable away to get a grip on whether you're balding and, if so, how fast.

The procedure, which can be carried out in the convenience of your own home, may reassure the adult male -- or not.

Hair loss is fraught with emotions... Here is a hair count that allows the person to get a handle as to what's going on with their hair.

With something like the 60-second hair count, you can participate and monitor in an objective fashion what's going on with your hair."
The reality is that hair loss is incredibly common among men and women. Fifty percent of both genders will have hair loss by the age of 50. That's a big number.

Not only do experts not know how much hair loss is normal, they also don't have any standardized way of assessing the amount of hair lost on an average day.

Here are instructions on how to perform the count:

• Comb your hair for 60 seconds over a pillow or sheet of contrasting color before shampooing. Pull the comb from the back top of the scalp forward to the front of the scalp for 60 seconds. "That 60 seconds allows you to dislodge any of the resting hairs that are supposed to be shed.

• Repeat the procedure before three consecutive shampooing sessions, always using the same comb.

• Count and record the number of hairs in the comb and on the pillow or sheet.

• Repeat the procedure every month and discuss results with your dermatologist

Try it at home so you would know if you are balding or not. FUN AND EASY.

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